Private Minibus and Coach Hire

Private Minibus and Coach Hire  - St Albans Coach Hire

Despite being convenient, it is logical and cheaper to travel as a group using one minibus as opposed to having all of you hiring his or her coach to the desired location. Thankfully, a lot of individuals have lately realized the importance of doing so. What seems to trouble a number of them are how pricing work. It keeps on fluctuating on a constant basis. Our prices at St Albans Coach Hire also keep fluctuating, and all can be understood from an economics perspective of demand and supply.

Understanding how pricing works

It's not rocket science. The law of demand and supply can help you understand why ticket prices keep appreciating. If you travel during holidays or when schools are closed, and there is too much travelling, you will likely be charged higher as the power is in the hand of bus companies. Likewise, during off-peak seasons when there is less travelling to do, coach and bus hire companies will slightly reduce ticket prices for purposes of enticing those who did not intend to travel in the first place. It is that simple. During peak seasons, demand is high as opposed to supply, and this is why you will be charged slightly higher when travelling.

Book early for good rates

Do you want to avoid being charged highly during peak seasons? The power is in your hands. Unlike other companies, we at St Albans Coach Hire have an excellent online booking forum where you can book your tickets in advance to avoid being highly charged during peak seasons. With us, you will get good discounts if you go ahead and book your tickets in advance. It is better to book with us early enough to get the best competitive rates in the market.


Contact Details

54-56 Victoria Street,Stalbans, AL1 3HZ

01727 582013

Mon to Sun :24 hours